Membership of Citizen Savings & Credit Co-operative Society Ltd is open to everybody who have reside in our society area Patna Distt. In this process, society checks the person’s citizenship and other important details by government identity proof and verify that the person is eligible for membership. The person has to fill and submit the “Membership Form” with Rs. 10 (Membership fee) & minimum one share @ Rs 100 at the nearest branch of Citizen Co-operative Society for further process.
Who can become a Member?
Any person who has attained the age of 18 years. Nobody is obstructed to join on the basic of religion, cast, creed, sex, and colour etc. A person can become a member of society at any time he/she likes. The applicant should not be the member of another Co-operative Society.
Withdrawal from the society
A member may at anytime withdraw from the society (after one year of membership) by giving at least thirty (30) days written notice to the Board of Directors.